The Lightworker’s Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within
by Sahvanna Arienta, New Page Books, 2013
Author Sahvanna Arienta has done it again, releasing her second book on the heels of her first, Lightworker: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide, and Being of Light, released in 2012. This new volume moves the themes and information of the first forward, expanding upon the role of the Lightworker, and giving specific advice and information about the experience of both awaking to and practicing as such.
She begins by describing the inner experience of being a Lightworker—her practice, like my own, has evolved from being a simple psychic into a more complex role as a spiritual counselor. Many people are psychic (in fact, I think everyone is), but not all psychics are Lightworkers, per se. The difference, Arienta explains is a calling, a sense of being pulled to express these spiritual gifts in ways that heal and help enlighten others. “All Light workers have this inner urging to know why they exist,” she writes. Arienta has come to work with many Lightworkers, especially those who are just awakening to their potential.
Many Lightworkers, myself included, wrestled with their sensitivities and struggled to find a way to employ them to make a better world. “A Lightworker who is not working toward healing and spreading light becomes depressed and filled with self-doubt,” she writes. Arienta goes on to describe the “Dark Night of the Soul” so many experience as they work toward discovering and expressing their gifts. She then goes on to explain the powers and pitfalls Lightworkers must negotiate to gain understanding and self-mastery.
The second part of the book describes the way in which spiritual energy works and how to create a healthy flow of that energy. She also introduces us to the idea of Darkworkers—those who “believe that being takers will get them ahead and commit them to a life of only self-preservation and material gain.” She goes on to explain that Darkworkers aren’t necessarily evil, but are polarizing energy so that it flows only to them instead of being a harmonious part of the whole. She emphasizes that one must keep energy flowing both in and out, to seek a balance between the polarities.
Ultimately, Ariente describes ascenstion and oneness and along the way offers specific practices, guided meditations, and exercises to raise one’s awareness of the energies of Self and the Universe., covering dreams and divination, crystals and chakras, empathy and energy, archangels and ascended masters.
In this companion volume, evolving Lightworkers can find quick and easy reference to elements and terms of what this work entails. Better edited than the first book, there are no typos or glaring vocabulary errors to detract from the importance of the information it contains. Watch for Arienta to continue with these practical spiritual guides in the future.